Are You About to Astral Project?

Astral travel requires a fair amount of practice, and results are often disappointing at first. Here are the signs to keep in mind so you can know if you’re about to astral project. If you sense any of these, you’re making great progress, congratulations!

If not, you may want to review these relaxation and preparation steps.

How to Know if You’re About to Astral Project

As you approach the point of detachment, you will feel one or more of the following sensations:

  • sinking feeling
  • tickling sensation
  • vibration
  • shaking
  • wavelike sensation

It’s important to not focus on what you are feeling but to keep focusing on your breathing and your goal of astral projection. Allow your consciousness and energy to escape your physical body.

Finally… Astral Projection Happens!

You will likely leave your body from the top of your head through the area between the eyes (although this may differ for some people). You might see or feel a long, seeming