Introduction to Astral Projection

As part of your introduction to astral projection, you should familiarize yourself with some important vocabulary and definitions related to astral travel.

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Introduction to Astral Projection: Definitions

  • Astral Body. The astral body is sometimes called the astral double or etheric double. It is a duplicate representation of the physical body that has about 1/1,000,000 of its weight. An average astral body is said to weigh around 50 g or 1.5 oz. The astral body temporarily leaves your physical body during astral projection. Your consciousness follows your astral body during astral travel. Your astral body corresponds to “I” or your consciousness.
  • Astral Plane. This plane is parallel to our every day physical plane of existence. You should not analyze the astral plane too much because it does not follow the rational rules of our world. It’s similar in nature to our physical world, but most people cannot make themselves visible to others who live in the every day plane of existence. On the astral plane, you can go through walls and travel from point A to point B instantly.
  • Consciousness. While most believe that consciousness is our awareness and that it’s located in our brain, there is no evidence to prove that our awareness is a physical feature, or that it’s based in our head. You can practice moving your center of awareness to different parts of your body. Once you have mastered moving your center of consciousness, transferring it from your physical body to your astral body will be a breeze.
  • Ka. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that Ka, the astral double, could leave the body on command.
  • Lucid Dreaming. Anyone can learn to have lucid dreams. When lucid dreaming, you know that you’re dreaming, but you decide not to wake up. You watch and participate in your dreams. It’s like directing your own dreams. Lucid dreaming can be a way to leave the body and astral travel. To learn more about lucid dreams, click here.
  • Mind Travel. Mind travel is similar to astral travel but much easier to do, so you should try to mind travel first. Once you’ve mastered mind travel, you’re ready to astral travel. You can learn more about mind travel here.
  • Physical Body. The physical body is the part of you that lives, hurts, enjoys and dies. It corresponds to the “me”, “my” and “physical” aspects of a person.
  • Remote Viewing. While some characteristics of remote viewing are similar in nature to astral travel, the single most important difference is that your astral body does not leave your physical body during remote viewing. Instead, only part of your consciousness is sent to a particular location then it reports back to the rest of your consciousness. This could be extremely useful for spies throughout the world!
  • Silver Cord. Although you might not see it, a lot of people have reported seeing a link between their physical and astral body during astral projection. It’s sometimes called a silver cord, line of light, ribbon, chain, string or umbilical cord. It shows almost endless elasticity and strength. In order to look at your silver cord, you will likely have to look at your physical body. Most astral travelers report that the silver cord connects the forehead of the physical body to the navel of the astral body, but the anchoring positions may vary. The silver cord acts as a means of communication between your two bodies. Should your physical body be in any danger, this is how your astral body would find out and immediately return to your physical body.

I hope this introduction to astral projection terms has confirmed your desire to learn how to astral travel. If so, the next step would be to learn how to relax and get ready for astral separation.

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