OBE Made Easy

I want to share a couple of books that will make it easier for you to have an OBE (Out of Body Experience, astral travel or astral projection).

Great Books for OBE Made Easy

There are several, well-written books on the subject. My personal favorites are shown here.

Astral Travel for Beginners: Transcend Time and Space with Out-of-Body Experiences<

The first book, Astral Travel for Beginners: Transcend Time and Space with Out-of-Body Experiences is for beginners (or for experienced travelers who have suddenly lost the touch and can’t seem to get out of their body anymore…)

It includes various methods and at least one should work for you. You must keep in mind that there is some level of work and practice involved and very few people succeed on their first attempt. Keep trying, and if after a month of attempting one method you have yet to succeed, try a new method. The book is filled with great ideas and it gives a very general description of what OBEs have to offer.

Astral Travel: Your Guide to the Secrets of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences

The second book, Astral Travel: Your Guide to the Secrets of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences is a more theoretical book that gets deep into the details of the various astral planes and what you can encounter through your progress in your OBEs.

I only recommend this one for the hard core astral travelers who just can’t get enough information… I keep referring to it to learn more, but most of the information contained in this second book is well beyond what I’ve personally experienced during my astral travels.

OBE Made Easy – Practical Tips

Don’t know where to start?

  1. You need to convince yourself that you can and will have an OBE tonight. If it helps, repeat it as a mantra as you lie down and focus on your breathing.
  2. Keep a journal and write down every little detail and bit of progress. Perhaps you had time to fully relax your body before falling asleep. That’s something. Be proud of yourself and aim just a little more next time.
  3. Keep practicing. Nothing comes easy.
  4. Read up on OBEs, astral travel, astral projection, mind travel, lucid dreaming, and other similar topics. The method that will work for you might be a book away… Everyone is different and you may or may not have subconscious fears about OBEs. Reading more will help you get over these fears.
  5. Keep your progress to yourself until you find someone who can understand and appreciate what you are trying to achieve. Having family and friends who don’t comprehend what the astral plane is and ridicule your goal is not going to help.

If you’re more of a visual or auditory learner, you can watch these astral projection videos. They contain lots of free information and something in them may just be the one piece of information that will help you astral project tonight!

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